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Our Mission

To promote the consumption of fish, making it accessible and affordable in Namibia.

Our Vision

To be the Catalyst for fish consumption for a healthy Namibia.

Our Mandate

Promote the consumption of fish throughout the country and ensure that the promotion of fish consumption goes hand in hand with imparting skills on how to prepare different cuisines of fish.


In line with our mandate, we have constantly optimized our efforts of making fish accessible and affordable throughout the country by setting up fish shops and conducting monthly regional fish promotions to ensure our footprints and activities representation in all parts of the country. 


Currently, we own and operate 18 fish shops in all 14 Regions of the country. These fish shops are located in the Regional Capitals and serve as retail distribution for quality and affordable frozen fish and fish products at the regional level. We have a staff complement of 149 employees (48% Women and 52% Men) to deliver its mandate. 


Over the years, we have witnessed a significant improvement in fish consumption among Namibians from roughly 4kg per capita fish consumption recorded at independence to 16.59 per capita fish consumption at the end of March 2021. At establishment in 2001, we distributed a mere 500MT, as compared to 10 000 metric tonnes distributed at the end of March 2021. Hence, a significant increase in the demand and consumption of fish locally. 


Although our main frozen fish products are Horse Mackerel and Hake which we benefit through quota allocation from the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources we also stock tinned Pilchards, Anchovies, Kabeljou, Tilapia, Zambezi Bream, John Dory, Reds Dentex (Kashushu), Ribbon Snoek, Snoek, Silver Angel and Jacopever to meet our customers’ demands.